Keep your Charge Air Cooler up to Performance!
Charge Air Coolers (CACs) are an integral part of any forced air induction system on engines. All too often CACs will begin to crack at the header joint due to excessive vibration from the diesel motor. Although these leaks are not a critical failure, they can lead to significant power loss and poorer fuel economy. Below are some common problems associated with leaking and non-performing Charge Air Coolers-
Loss of engine power
-not enough boost density for complete combustion.
Increased fuel consumption
-incomplete combustion results in unburned fuel being exhausted instead of being used for powering the engine.
Exhaust manifold failure
-unburned fuel ignites in the exhaust manifold and elevates the exhaust temperatures.
-truck manufacturers have reported truck fires due to overheated exhaust systems catching other components on fire which directly resulted from the unburned fuel igniting in the exhaust manifolds.
Premature piston, ring and valve failure
-lack of boost density prevents sufficient cooling of the cylinder walls during the intake stroke.
Elevated coolant temperatures
-insufficient cooling of cylinder walls results in elevated block temperatures and additional heat being added to the coolant.
Turbo charger failure
-insufficient back pressure due to charge air cooler leaks results in the turbo spinning at much higher revolutions than originally designed for.
Stop by or call today with any questions on our CAC services, which include repair, recoring, and replacement!